29 October 2006

So I missed a month

I have missed the last month... so I have missed the rest of Leviticus, all of Numbers and all of Deuteronomy.

Leviticus we had to finish up all of the rules for the priests and people.

Numbers counted the Israelites at the beginning of the book. Part way through we get into the beginning of more Historical stories. This is where things start getting really interesting.

Balaam's donkey talking to him on the road, the spies that go into Canaan (a.k.a. the promised land) and bring out bunches of grapes that took two men to carry... Oh and the Cities of Refuge for a person Killed someone.

There is soooo much more and I wish that I had actually gone through the process of blogging more...

Deuteronomy recaps the first four books of the Torah. I didn't get a chance to read it through this month and will have to read it over the Christmas Holidays.

Let's see what happens once we get into Joshua. This will be the story of how Israel conquered Canaan... How Jericho was conquered. Being working in the engineering field is would be really interesting to see if trumpets and marching around the city could hit the resonant frequency of the walls and made them crumble.

We will see how many times the Israelites disobey the LORD's commands and what happens...

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