27 September 2006

Cleanliness, Leviticus Day 3

Lev 11 - 15 From www.biblegateway.com.

What can you eat? anything with a cloven hoof and chews its cud. This is where we find out why Pigs and other animals cannot be eaten by the Jews. This is changed for Christians in Acts when Peter has his vision in Acts 10. Peter sees a large sheet with all sorts of unclean animals (many of which are listed in this reading). Peter is told to eat anything that God has made pure. He is told this three times (Peter was stuborn). I'm glad about that, mmmm bacon.:)

The question for today is; compare Lev 12:6-8 to Luke 2:22-29.

The Passage in Luke discribes wht Mary went though with Jesus after he was born. She followed the law in waiting 7 days to become clean. Joseph adn Mary brought a pair of doves or pigeons and consecrate their first born son to the LORD.

There is a lot in this passage everything from what is good to eat to what types of rashes make you unclean. There will be more and more rules as we go through the rest of the book. This book of Leviticus puts meat behind the 10 commandments.

- Peter

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