17 January 2006

First things First

Hi, these are my comments and opinions. You can comment on them if you wish. If you have a strong argument against (or for) them please add a comment. I am using this basically as a journal so Just enjoy...

Oh if you want to see some cool Starwars art check out my friends site .

Probably for the next little while you will be seeing posts on Canadian Politics, especially stuff on the federal election that is set for Jan 23, 2006. If you are in Canada GET OUT AND VOTE. I don't care if you vote for the marijuana party or what ever just get out and vote.

The next theme you will see is Parenthood. My wife and I are expecting shortly and will be very excited to find out what the sex of the baby is. We have chosen not to find out the sex of the baby. There are so very few suprises left in the world and we just thought it would be interesting to find out after the little one is born.

Well have fun and we'll see what is going to happen with this...


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